Content is King
This is a statement often heard amongst web
developers, particularly those obsessed with search engine
optimization. When it comes to writing the content for websites,
there are two ways of presenting it – blogs and articles. Before
deciding whether it should be a blog or an article, one needs to
understand the differences between the two forms of writing.
blogs is relatively easy as it is informal in nature because the
information provided is more in the nature of a conversation and
grammatical orderliness is mostly absent. Once people read these
informal personal blogs, they are terribly impressed because everyone
feels that this type of writing calls for no professionalism and
anyone can write. Blog writing has now caught on like wildfire and it
has today acquired an ubiquitous web presence.
Articles are generally approximately 1500 words and contain explanations, analysis and/or visuals (screen captures, illustrations, etc.) Articles are evaluated on the value of the content to the community as well as on accuracy.
Blogs are tips, general information, or otherwise brief information regarding the use and implementation of Symantec products. Blogs are generally between 100 and 500 words and are submitted to the site via the blogs area in the Symantec Connect community. Tips must relate to Symantec products. Blogs entries must be of interest to the Symantec Connect community.
Which Format is Best?
general, articles will enable a writer to clearly communicate
information without becoming mired in the sloppy structure or
potentially limiting topicality of a blog. Articles also have a
longer shelf-life. Blog posts are rarely referenced beyond their
initial publication date. A writer who wishes to create a lasting
impression should focus on crafting a well-researched article.
However, blog posts can occasionally be the better choice, especially
if a writer is attempting to engage in a debate on a contemporary
topic. A blog post allows the writer to quickly comment on a topic
without spending undue amounts of effort on crafting a more formal
piece. In some rare instances, a particularly witty blog post can
outlast even the most rigorously researched article. Ultimately,
writers will benefit from experimenting with both formats.
posts and articles are different marketing tools. Blog posts are more
informal than the highly researched articles but both can have
significant and equal use in your online marketing plans. The
question is what is right for your business and how much can you