Tuesday, 12 April 2016

WordPress Multisite Plugin For Woocommerce

E-commerce business is hitting new heights and is just getting bigger overtime. To beat the competition around, using the most popular and robust Content Management System- WordPress, is suggested by experts. It comes with several popularly known e-commerce plugins and the recent arrival on the scene is Woocommerce. Woocommerce is the most popularly known ecommerce plugin for WordPress. Built on top of standard WordPress custom post types, it comes with easy installation which can be managed from the admin panel easily.

Often, e-commerce business needs are not met by a single website, as the web stores are targeted towards selling different products in different categories. This makes a single web store nothing but a chaotic and messy e-shop. Woocommerce multisite deployment is a full-fledged solution to this.

From a viewpoint of WordPress administrator, It is essential to have a single user account for all sites, especially for multiple stores. Also, it is convenient to use and easy to managed by user.

Across all stores, this plugin offers a possibility with a common search box to sell or offer the products related to each other. Moreover, Across all stores sites, it provides advantages for a user to offer a single shopping cart & a single checkout.

WordPress Multisite plugin for woocommerce, normally works as any other plugin. In a network, each site shares a database by storing information in separate tables. Therefore, each store or site has a different setup.

Even though we can network activate plugins just like WooCommerce and it’s extensions, still in the network across the sites, it wouldn’t be possible to share product databases, user accounts and checkout etc. Themes and plugins are the only things that can be shared across the site network.

Our Woocommerce Multisite Plug-in

This plugin was built to meet the requirements of managing different websites from a single admin panel. The idea was to segregate various products based on taxonomy and separate them out using multiple sites. Its striking feature is that all the websites are connected together, where every activity on every site is monitored through a single admin panel. A multi-store network loses its advantages if each site is to be managed independently.

We were required to set-up a multisite woocommerce platform, where different products should be presented on a different site. With too many products on the store it was difficult to manage all the functions adequately. We followed agile best practices to develop various components and add functionality as mentioned in the requirements. This plugin was created with functionalities and features to manage different web stores through a single admin.

The admin can monitor and manage everything through this. The different site URLs was listed on the extension, where admin can add all the themes, menu pages, and products. Admin can use this plugin  to select the desired theme, relevant homepage, relevant menus and desired products for a particular sub-site and this can be done without having to go to every sub-site or to the main site.

It is a good option for you if you want to have multiple ecommerce sub-sites to be managed through a single admin panel. Also, this offers Woocommerce filtering for product segregation as well as WordPress filtering to create different theme/design for sub-sites.

Features of Multisite Woocommerce Plug-in

This comes with features and various benefits for a multisite e-commerce:

Easy Management of User Account: This plugin not just makes the experience easy for customers but also allows admin to manage user accounts. The user account management is not done at a site level but at network level. The user is automatically registered across all the sites, which makes it relatively easy to manage activities regardless the number of sub-sites you have.

Domain Based Price Management: Store owner can add different price for same product for each domain. This can be managed under “Product Data Section”

Better Product Reach: The plug-in allows seller to increase his product reach and present users with only the required or desired products. This makes admin to keep an easy track of the products being searched by different users.

Single Shopping Cart and Single Checkout: The checkout and cart functionality works independently for each store.

If you have a web store with 20 multiple sites or 10 multiple sites, it doesn’t matter, the checkout process will be managed though a single source. A single checkout process is coupled with a single shopping cart. Also, the admin always gets the information from where a particular product has been purchased. This provides a hassle-free transaction process to users.

Compatible with WordPress SEO YOAST Plugin: The woocommerce Plugin is compatible with SEO YOAST Plugin that allows you to add separate Meta tags for different products on different sub-sites.

Separate Contact Page for Sub-sites: The Plugin has a feature of adding separate contact page for every website.

Easy Maintenance: Since the websites share a single database, the seller saves a huge sum on maintenance costs. Everything is handled from a single point, whether it’s about triggering upgrades or managing transactions through each site.
There were certain challenges involved in creating this plug-in, but our WordPress experts deployed the best technology to create the system. If you are also the one handling different woocommerce stores and want a hassle-free single management system, please Contact

Thursday, 7 April 2016

How To Improve Engagement On Social Media Platform?

Main motive for a social media engagement is focused on a long term relationship. A long and committed relationship comes with dedication, eagerness to adapt and the power to think about a better future and ensuring the overall client’s happiness in coming years. Social Media engagement is more than just a single interaction with any of client or a ‘customer relationship’. It is an open line client interaction over a period of time.

It is more about how we can use networks like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to build an exceptional customer experience.

Some people may miss this business opportunity as their core social media strategy. We need to take this strategy a step further to be more engaging, proactive and listening.

In true sense, social media engagement constitutes two-way dialogue between customers and brand. Importantly, it also plays an essential role to determine actual ratio of viewers reading your content.

Mostly, people on social media appreciate how much you care instead of how much you know.

So before expecting anything viewers, start giving.

Why is Engagement On Social Media So Important?

Worldwide there are more than 1.82 billion social network users and this number is further expected to increase up to 2.22 billion by 2017. Many of us very well known to the fact that social media can work outstandingly in our favor. Still only a few people understand that an authentic social engagement and interaction depends on how well we can use various engagement strategies and tools on various social media platforms. 

For any company, being active on social media is quite essential for their marketing plan. Although, some companies ideas of engagement on social media may be overwhelming by targeting the right audience on each social network, but still for many businesses, engagement on social media platform can be a congested and noisy place to build their brand awareness. As per report of ‘Thunderhead‘, one out of four businesses normally show confidence in their implemented customer engagement strategies. 

In this blog, we are discussing about simple but important strategies and tools to improve engagement on social media platform. 
You can try following important ways to improve engagement on social media platform:
  • Monitor the Conversation
Engagement on social media is a two way street. Here primarily, listening is more important about what your viewers are saying about your brand or company. You can also take help of various available monitoring tools i.e. Topsy, Social Mention, Brand24, Google Alerts, Talkwalker and many more to monitor conversation regarding your brand or products, website shared links and people behaviour and sentiments about your products or company.
  • Visual Content
Today in the visual web age, the most engaging content online is the visual content. As per research report from ‘Social Media Examiner', using visuals may results in 85% increase in Facebook interaction rate and 35% more improvement in retweets on twitter. But importantly, your visual should be attractive and stunning to provide your viewers a valid reason to engage with it without stopping their scrolling. Visual content can be of any type like the product shot, your office team picture, your fan’s spotlight, Behind the Scenes, Team in Action, your own creative banners, Collage, Selfie or spontaneous shots etc.
  • Engaging Videos
Youtube video engagement is predicted to dethrone by Facebook native video. So now, it is going to be more important especially for businesses and brands to upload videos on both Youtube as well as Facebook. Now, streaming video is much easier with your phone using popular tools like Periscope and Meerkat. Various popular brands like Starbucks, Mastercard, Miami Dolphins, BuzzFeed and Red Bull already testing and using both video streaming apps.
So, get ahead of the competitive stakes of social media engagement using engaging videos.
  • Develop Content Interaction
Sometimes, you must have drew in to some silly tests online like to which Game of character you resemble, or colour of your aura. Also, you must be hated to see a friend request asking to play Candy crush or Farmville. Mostly the online engaging content involves tools, games, contests, quizzes or apps. Although initially it may require a bit of investment, but it can help you to offer your viewers an interactive session with Facebook or various other apps.
  • Keep your posts to the optimal length
Surely, on social media networks you will get more likes, retweets or shares for the posts having certain optimal length.

Go through the following optimal length as specified by useful infographic from BufferSocial for your social network post content including YouTube:
  1.     Facebook: 40 characters
  2.     Tweeter: 71 to 100 characters
  3.     Google+: 60 characters
  4.     Linkedin: Max 25 words
  5.     Title Tags: 55 characters
  6.     Hashtags: 6 characters
  7.     Blogs: Max 1600 words
  • Avoid Regular Posting
It is our misconception that more engagement is directly related with regular posting on social media.
As per conclusion from Hubspot study the average number of social media interactions per post rises with the average decrease in posts published per week. Therefore, try to keep your daily posts to just 2 or 3 to grab its deserving attention from viewers.
  • Email Signature Optimization
As per usability, email signature is the most underutilized tool to engage people. You can easily use extension of Wisestamp in Gmail to include your social network accounts in your signature and thereby boosting your followers to improve engagement.

After gaining knowledge about all above discussed simple tips, you will surely feel more confident and comfortable while taking your next steps toward improving engagement with customers.

Try it now!

And see how your social media engagement improve day by day.

If you want to hire globally best social media marketing experts for your business and brand promotion, then you may contact us at Email. Our experienced and dedicated team of SEO and social media experts can do all necessary strategic social media marketing tasks to achieve your business goals.

Hope you have enjoyed reading this article, you can share your views or suggestions in comments.